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Realtor Guide

Estoppel & Questionnaire Requests

All requests must be processed through our online ordering portal.

Please email us if you have any questions about estoppels.


Eagle Cay

  • If you are applying for a lease for a home within Eagle Cay, please contact M&M property management at 954-582-4400. Eagle Cay has a different application and is managed by a separate management company.

Board-Approved Rental Process

  • Prior to completing this application, the homeowner MUST contact Management and advise of the potential for a lease.

  • The homeowner will need to forward a check in the amount of $300.00 payable to Regency Lakes as the Rental Processing Fee.

  • All potential applicants must complete the Tenant Evaluation process.

  • As of this writing a minimum credit score of 650, or proof of financial stability acceptable to the Rental Committee must be obtained to be considered.

  • All items required by the application must be provided by the applicant. If there are any questions, please contact Tenant Evaluation directly

  • Once the final report is received by Regency Lakes, the Rental Committee will review and seek additional information, if needed.

  • Once the final check is complete the applicant will be notified of the results.

  • If the applicant is approved, a Certificate of Approval will be issued form our office and if there are reasons why the applicant was not approved a certified letter will be sent to the applicant and the owner advising of the decision.

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